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Darktrace Antigena SaaS
Autonomous Response Technology

Darktrace Antigena SaaS

Antigena SaaS is an Autonomous Response technology that neutralizes unpredictable attacks in cloud and collaboration tools.

Core use cases include:

  • Insider threat – Neutralizes admin abuse and insider data theft.
  • Compromised credentials – Surgically interrupts account takeovers and brute-force attacks.
  • Remote personnel risks – Stops accidental data loss, manipulation, and destruction.

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Antigena SaaS neutralizes unpredictable attacks in cloud and collaboration tools.

From Microsoft Teams to SharePoint, Antigena SaaS responds with surgical precision when trusted cloud accounts are being used carelessly or for malicious purposes.

Unlike policy-based defenses, the technology takes action in light of a multidimensional understanding of digital behavior across hybrid and multi-cloud environments. This enables swift and targeted action that stops SaaS attacks while allowing normal business operations to continue unimpeded. Security operators investigating unusual SaaS activity can also trigger Darktrace Antigena actions directly as desired.

Neutralizes attacks others miss

AI stops insider threats, account takeover, and personnel risks

Decisions based on self-learning AI

Understands the human behind corporate cloud accounts

Responds in seconds

Reacts faster than human defenders and automated attacks

Darktrace SaaS Console

The Darktrace SaaS Console is a dedicated user interface designed to highlight malicious or risky behavior occurring across your diverse cloud footprint. This allows security teams to visualize and monitor security incidents and Antigena SaaS actions in one centralized location.

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